a steady rain fell and froze on the sidewalk
while Betty made her way among the crowd
wondering aloud...
which guests would be invited to the do
and worrying who'd sit next to...
who's the most talented hostess of all?
she lived in a basement apartment
moved cat-like through the rooms
he had died and left her to struggle
ten years ago last June
now he's walking across to her
once again he's the boss of her
it's important to understand...
the menu for a party must be well planned
so everyone gets along just grand
guess that plain old chicken wouldn't do
wouldn't do at all
guess that plain old chicken wouldn't do
wouldn't do at all
and who's the most talented hostess of all?
now Betty feels his eyes upon her in the aisle
now Betty turns around
presents him with her biggest brightest smile
but folks are cruel
her smile is greeted by an emptiness
which shocks her in her world
an empty truth
she hurries home and tries to shake it off
a steady rain fell and froze on the eyelids
of her...
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